About Wacci

WACCI celebrated its 25th birthday in 2010.

We began in 1983 with an identified need for a home visiting service, and in 1984 a steering committee was developed to set up the Wallsend Home Visiting Service. Education for the volunteers involved in the service was held in July 1984, and was presented by the Hunter Volunteer Centre.

1986 brought about growth in the service to include shopping, transport, and weekly bus outings on a Friday, along with a name change to Wallsend Community Carers.

1990 saw further change for the organization - Incorporation, government funding and paid coordinators. This was not thought of back in 1983!

We are now the Wallsend Area Community Carers Inc (WACCI) – commonly know as WACCI or Wallsend Carers.

A day out in the park
 Hunter Volunteer Centre continues to provide education for our volunteers on a regular basis. The commitment to the local community provides strength and connections within the community. A sense of belonging; of being caring and cared for; opportunities to grow; to share the past, present and future are all experiences gained from being involved with Wallsend Carers.

We have held 15th and 20th birthday events. Our 15th birthday involved the production of a book “Building a Caring Community”. Many people involved in the foundation of WACCI made contributions to the book.

For many years the work of WACCI was assisted through the infamous “Garage Sale” held at Mary’s home (co-ordinator). The preparation (many weeks of work) and the two day event was a wonderful example of how a small community group can bring people together. Everyone involved has a story to tell. The garage sale benefited many people - either from the donation of items (“spring cleaning”) to the purchase of that much needed item. Yes – even the kitchen sink was sold!!!

Volunteering at our BBQ day out
Many connections built up between those involved in the garage sale remain today.

Our 20th birthday book included Handy Hint’s and Recipes. These were received from our volunteers and clients who have had many years experience in cooking and handy hints.  This birthday celebration was also the place for the launch of the WACCI song – words and music by Cathy Blackford.

In 2010 we celebrated our 25th anniversary involving our clients, volunteers and many Community Members.  A birthday book was created with comments from many of our clients.  Included with the book was a CD of photos. 
Clients enjoying our
 25th birthday celebration

Life Membership Certificates and badges are presented to volunteers who have shown outstanding contributions to WACCI after 15 years of association.